Thursday, December 21, 2006

Road Pac-Man

Apparently people in Minnesota have great senses of humor. There's a stretch of highway on Highway 55 on which the government had painted white dots "to slow tailgaters by showing drivers how far apart to stay". Some genius painted a Pac-Man next to one of them. Kudos, anonymous painter.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Horny Manatee

Only Conan O'Brien would ad lib a joke about a manatee mascot porn website called and then actually create it and put up hilarious pictures.

Warning: This is not safe for work, especially if your work doesn't allow graphic photos of people in manatee costumes.

Monday, December 11, 2006


In case you've been living on another planet, Buckeyes quarterback Troy Smith won the Heisman Trophy this weekend. It was the 7th time an Ohio State player has won and the 2nd largest margin of victory in the history of the trophy. Watch yourself, Gators.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

SNL Webcast

Apparently the folks at NBC are kicking around the idea of making the Saturday Night Live Friday dress rehearsals available via webcast. Is there something I'm missing here? Do we really need something else to make us not laugh? I watched some of last season and it was disappointing just about every time. The Lazy Sunday sketch was about the only thing I saw that was original or funny. I tried to watch portions of the first few episodes this year but I just couldn't stomach it.

Get some writers, then worry about webcasts!

Monday, December 04, 2006


After USC's loss to UCLA in the Pac-10 championship on Saturday night, speculations arose as to who would battle Ohio State in the National Championship game in Glendale, AZ on Jan 8th.

Apparently the voters in the human polls (which make up 2/3 of the BCS rankings) did not want to see a rematch of the Michigan game, because they voted Florida in as the #2 team. Judging by the above survey, the Bucks are favored to win.

Bring it on, SEC.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bowl Names

When I was a kid, the college football bowl games weren't named after their sponsors. It was the Orange Bowl, not the FedEx Orange Bowl. It was the Sugar Bowl, not the Allstate Sugar Bowl. The change was of course motivated by greed, but I think the names have gotten a little ridiculous. Some bowls are named after companies that seem like an odd choice, like the the Meineke Car Care Bowl or the Brut Sun Bowl. Some have chosen to go with only the company name, like the Champs Sports Bowl or the GMAC Bowl. Some of the companies obviously don't care how long or stupid the name sounds, so we have the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl, the Pioneer PureVision Las Vegas Bowl, and the San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl. The Peach Bowl is now The Chick-fil-A Bowl, the Hall of Fame Bowl is now the Outback Bowl and the Citrus Bowl is now Capital One Bowl. I guess the next step is for all of the bowls to add a second sponsor to the end of the name, like the The Gaylord Hotels Music City Bowl presented by Bridgestone.

Fortunately the Ohio State Buckeyes will be playing in the most appropriately named BCS National Championship Game.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The TV Land Network, everyone's favorite Nick-at-Nite spin-off, has compiled their list of the 100 best catchphrases in the history of television. If you're not patient enough to watch their 5-part countdown special, you can check out their list in alphabetical order on this series of tubes we call the internet.

I think they were right on with some of their picks, like Dy-no-mite!, Homey Don't Play That, and Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis. But some of them were downright horrible. Some examples:

Welcome to the O.C., bitch. (Luke, The O.C.)
Tell me what you don't like about yourself. (Dr. McNamara & Dr. Troy, Nip/Tuck)
That's hot. (Paris Hilton, The Simple Life)
Suit up! (Barney Stinson, How I Met Your Mother)

Not to mention the plethora of phrases that are absent from the list. Shouldn't "Don't Have a Cow, Man" be on there somewhere?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Troy SI

Troy Smith on Sports Illustrated
Obviously it's a great year to be an Ohio State football fan, but this week's cover of Sports Illustrated featuring Troy Smith is an added bonus. It's the third time the Bucks have made the cover this year and the second time for Troy.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Zune Sucks

Microsoft Zune
Today marked the much-anticipated release of Microsoft's attempt at the iPod killer. It's called the Zune, and you should not buy one.

"But Steve!," you say, "it has this cool soft rubber coating and I can send songs to my friends wirelessly!" My response? Wirelessly is not a word, and it still sucks. You can send songs to your friends if they have a Zune, but it takes a while and you can then only play the song 3 times. Lame. Also, their marketing tag line for the Zune is "Welcome to the Social." When was the last time you attended a social? Was there ice cream?

Seriously though, the real issue with the Zune is that Microsoft has agreed to pay the major record labels a portion of the profit from each unit sold. This is because they are assuming that most Zunes will be loaded with stolen music. While this may in fact be true, it's not right of them to assume it, and their paying of the labels sets a very dangerous precedent. And the consumers will pay the price. Literally.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Lego Horseshoe

I love the Buckeyes, and I love legos. But I would think that this scale replica of Ohio Stadium could be appreciated by anyone.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Paste Magazine

I'm not sure why I haven't posted about Paste before. It's a great music magazine that manages to be everything I always wished Rolling Stone could be. The material they cover is quality and the writing is excellent. Brian was reading it a year ago and when they went monthly in August, subscription was a must. Every issue comes with a CD sampler of their recommended listening. Pick up a copy and you will not be disappointed. Beck is on the cover this month.

Monday, November 06, 2006


I had the good fortune on Saturday to attend my 2nd consecutive Ohio State game. This time the tickets came from my sister and Dan and I made the road trip to Champaign.

Our seats were 12 rows up and there were easily as many Buckeyes fans there as Illinois fans. This made me proud of our people and their willingness to travel, but one thing that embarrassed me was how ignorant some of them were. Everyone knows that the big cheer for Ohio State is an O-H met with an I-O. For Illinois, their cheer is an I-L-L met with an I-N-I. This of course spells Illini, their mascot. But Dan and I heard our peers comment several times that their fans didn't even know how to spell, assuming that they were trying to spell out the name of their state. But at least they're loyal enough to make the road trip.

In the end, the Buckeyes won the game, though not as convincingly as some might have liked. The media is trying to paint it like they narrowly avoided an upset, which is not really accurate. They lead 17-o at halftime and played Tressel-ball for the 2nd half. Illinois started to play a little bit at the end but were never at a point where any of us were worried. At least not in the way that Ball State had Michigan worried. Besides, you can't really fault the players for not wanting to go all out and risk injuring themselves before the biggest game in the history of the universe.

More pictures are available in the gallery.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Fraggle Movie

Fraggle Rocks
I've been a fan of all things Muppet since I was a kid. I probably watched Muppets Take Manhattan about 3 times a day for I don't even know how long. So I was of course a fan of Fraggle Rock and the genius it achieved in its 5 seasons on television. Apparently Ahmet Zappa, the most normally named child of Frank, was also a fan. He is executive producing a full-length movie in which the Fraggles venture out into the human world for the first time. No word yet on whether any of the Doozers will make the trek with them. Worry's for another day my friends.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Only in Ohio

In most states they would probably just write 'wash me'.

So Long, Bob

The Price is Wrong, Bitch!
It was announced yesterday that Bob Barker, legendary host of The Price is Right and advocate for pet population control is hanging up his skinny microphone after 35 years. Personally, I was surprised that he stayed with the show so long after Rod Roddy passed. Who will fill the 11am void he's leaving for the elderly, unemployed, and those home sick from school? No one, I say. No one.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Best Costume Ever

Brian Farasey as Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer. The briefcase seals it for me. Happy Halloween everyone.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Great Day

I pretty bummed during the last few weeks because it seemed like everyone I knew was going to the Ohio State game this past Saturday except for me. Erin and her sister were going, Tim and Mary were coming down, Terby and Klaus had tickets, and I was destined to watch from my living room.

Then Fisher decided to come to town and we all went down to tailgate with Klaus's cousin Katie near the stadium. After a few hours of drinking other people's beer and eating other people's food we found ourselves hanging out in a pretty sweet RV, ready to watch the game while everyone else left for the horseshoe. Then Fisher pulled a Fisher and talked Katie and her boyfriend into selling us their student tickets. Before long we were down in the A-deck watching the Buckeyes shut out Minnesota with 100,000 of our closest friends.

I'm not sure if the highlight was watching the Golden Bear dot the I in Script Ohio or the fact that I got into the game using the ID of a girl who looks like this. Either way, it was a great day.

More pictures are available in the gallery.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Chad's Mohawk

I'm actually not a big fan of Chad Johnson's blond Mohawk, but if you like it and are looking for a great Halloween costume, this head piece is for you. I guess you could also buy it and go out as Simon Phoenix, it's up to you.

Penny Prank

Always a fan of good pranks, I knew when Farasey sent me this one I'd have to post it.

"This girl that sits behind me hates pennies so while she was at lunch I emptied about 6 rolls of pennies on her desk and made sure none of them were touching. She was pissed but loved it at the same time. I came back to my desk and she was throwing them at my computer but she started laughing and I knew I won."

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Browser Updates

The two major browsers have released new versions recently. Here's the info:

Firefox 2
Firefox has been the better browser for a few years. And while this new release is probably great in ways that I haven't yet investigated, there is one noticeable change that has been bugging me already. The tab close buttons have been moved to the individual tabs instead of at the right of the screen where they were previously. Fortunately this can be fixed pretty easily by changing the value of the browser.tabs.closeButtons key in the about:config to 3.

IE is trying to compete by offering the functionality that Firefox has offered for years: tabbed browsing and RSS feeds. It's about time, Microsoft. I'm still not going to use this browser, but at least it might make the masses a little more web-savvy.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

New House

If both of you who ever read this site have been wondering about the lack of updates, it's because Erin and I bought a house a few weeks ago and have been in the process of moving. We're really happy with the place (especially the hot tub), and are especially excited to be living in the same town after three years.

Expect regular updates to resume soon, provided I see something funny or interesting enough to post. Is it me or has the internet been kinda boring lately? OK, maybe it's just me.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Thug Life

Miami Behind Bars

The Ohio State Buckeyes have long been called thugs by their detractors because of the large number of players who have run into trouble with the law. While I certainly don't condone this behavior, one college football game this weekend exposed the true thugs: The Miami Hurricanes.

If you haven't seen footage of the brawl between the 'Canes and Florida International on Saturday, just tune in to ESPN sometime in the next few days and you're sure to catch it. This one took the South Carolina-Clemson brawl in 2004 to a new level. There were players stomping on heads, Haynesworth-style. They even used crutches as weapons. It was a disgrace to the sport and as of now there have been quite a few players suspended, but only for one game. If it were up to me, none of them would ever play college football again. Larry Coker should be fired. It's hard to believe that this is the same Miami that almost beat OSU for the national championship.

What I don't understand is why this is such a heated rivalry. I realize that both schools recruit from the same area in Florida, but at what point has FIU been a contender? Why worry so much about a school whose only notable alumnus is Andy Garcia? Ohio State and Michigan have the biggest rivalry in the history of football, but you would never see them brawl like this. They hit harder in that game than any other, but afterwards you will still see the players throw the ball to the official out of respect for the game, their coaches, and the fans.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

New Beck

I've been meaning to post about the new Beck album for a while now. It seems like it's been kinda under the radar, but it's great. He recorded it with Nigel Godrich, who produced Sea Change and Mutations (and OK Computer and Kid A, while we're talking about it). And if you actually buy it you get a DVD with videos for each of the 15 songs. Awe-some.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


It's been a busy few days in the world of football. The Buckeyes beat Penn State, the Bengals beat the Steelers (despite losing Odell for the season), and T.O. didn't commit suicide.

I just hope that this coming weekend is as good to Ohio. The Bengals play New England and OSU plays Iowa at Iowa, which could be their toughest game yet. And ESPN GameDay will be there, making this the 3rd week out of 5 that they're setting up camp at the site of the Buckeyes game. Apparently they know where it's at.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006

New Look

As you may have noticed there have been some changes here at SPDN. We're using a new CMS now and the kinks are still being worked out. You might also notice that not all of the archives have been transferred over. Give it time.

Let me know what you think of the changes. Unless you don't like them.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New Shuffle

Yesterday Apple released its new iPod shuffle. As you can see, it's even smaller than the old shuffle. Pretty soon we really will be using the iPod invisa from the SNL sketch.

Note: I used to have a link to that sketch but it was taken down by youtube.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Found the Scream

Police in Norway have recovered the famous painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch, which was stolen two years ago. I'm happy about this because it's one of my favorite works of art. It may not be as exciting as the FBI grabbing a polygamist, but it's cool nonetheless.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Poland Sprung

I recently posted Farasey's letter to Poland Spring regarding their lack of availability in the Chicagoland area. This was their response. The typo of his name is the best part.

Dear Brain,

Thank you very much for your nice words about Poland Spring. I agree, (no coincidence), that it's the best tasting water on Earth. The problem is, due to a very competitive market in bottled water, we primarily sell the product in the northeast. You see all of Poland Spring comes from Maine. It costs quite a bit on money to ship that heavy water very far. Because of that, we market a brand of water in the Mid-West called Ice Mountain, bottled in Michigan. It's our experience that people are only willing to pay so much for their water. This is the best system we have to stay competitive with the likes of Coke and Pepsi ( They market processed tap water, Dasani and Aquafina).

Because of the popularity of Poland Spring, we have a few outlets in Chicago that are willing to sell it at the higher cost. I will have someone get you a list of those accounts

so you don't have to drive to Ohio to find it. For starters, I think you can find Poland Spring at your nearest Whole Foods Market.

I appreciate your passion and loyalty for our products. Please look to hear some more from us shortly.


Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Nestle Waters North America

Monday, August 28, 2006

Sports Movies

I read that the new football movie with Marky Mark, Invincible, did well at the box office this past weekend. It seems like there have been quite a few sports movies, specifically football movies, released in the past few years. So of course I started to see how many sports movies I could name. After some thought and a very small amount of research, here's my list. These are in no particular order and if you think of any that I've left out just leave a comment.

The Longest Yard
Any Given Sunday
Necessary Roughness
Varsity Blues
The Program
The Last Boyscout
Remember the Titans
Friday Night Lights
The Replacements
The Waterboy

Field of Dreams
Bull Durham
The Natural
Little Big League
Angels in the Outfield
Fever Pitch
The Sandlot
Rookie of the Year
For Love of the Game
Bad News Bears
Major League

Teen Wolf
White Men Can't Jump
Blue Chips
He Got Game
Hoop Dreams
Above the Rim
Coach Carter

Mystery, Alaska
Mighty Ducks

Tin Cup
Dead Solid Perfect
Bagger Vance
Happy Gilmore

Friday, August 25, 2006


Today I was sent a link to a site with pictures of cats that look like Hitler, or Kitlers. This is further proof that whenever I think I've seen it all, there's something else out there that I never could have imagined in a million years. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

RIP Maynard

Maynard Ferguson
Jazz legend Maynard Ferguson passed away yesterday. He was 78. As a trumpet player I grew up worshiping at the alter of Maynard, the king of the screaming high notes and pelvic thrusts. If you think you don't know who he is, watch Rocky again and listen closely. Fisher, Bellomy and I once had the pleasure of driving Maynard, and it was one of the highlights of our high school experiences. He will be missed but his music will always be with us.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Play On, Playa

From Farasey:

I got a random text message from an unfamiliar 513 number last night. I was intrigued and bored and the conversation went like this:

? - Wat up
Me - Who is this?
? - Taunta
? - You dont know who i am
Me - Why text me?
? - Oh its like that
Me -Yep
? - Ok then i holla
Me - Play on
? - Play on wat
Me - Playa
? - From wat hear you the pimp
Me - Says who
? - Nobody but how am i a playa
Me - Its an expression...didn't wanna call you a clown since i don't know who you are.
? - Sure wats good tho

I didn't understand what they were trying to say/ask in that last text so I just left it at that.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Colbert's Wikiality

If you are dedicated to upholding and documenting truthiness, Wikiality is the site for you. A portmanteau of "Wikipedia" and "reality", this Stephen Colbert Wikipedia parody site is great if for no other reason than it helps keep track of who is on notice (bears, for sure) and who is dead to him. I love the internet.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Cursed Buckeyes

The Ohio State Buckeyes are on the cover of the current issue of Sports Illustrated. They are ranked number one. This just about guarantees that it won't happen. The only hope is that the cover is one of 6, so maybe those other 5 teams will be cursed and the bucks will come out ahead. Damn you SI!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

James Morrison

James Morrison
This guy has been in my CD player for the last week and I wanted to share. He's James Morrison, a British singer-songwriter who is about to blow up. Yes, he shares a name with a certain rock legend, but this kid is the real deal. He's got a voice that sounds closer to Stevie Wonder than any white kid I've ever heard. It's that soul sound that artists like John Mayer, Teddy Geiger, and Joss Stone are going for, but Morrison actually has the goods. In a Joe Cocker kind of way. It helps that his songs are great and well produced. Check out his album whenever you get a chance.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Poland Spring

An open letter from Brain to the makers of Poland Spring...

To whom it may concern:

Sometime in the past five or six years I became an addict. It's one of those things you see happening to other people but never think it will happen to you. I try to keep myself under control and not spend money on things I don't need, but I’m addicted to Poland Spring water and there’s nothing I can do about it.

The only thing that's keeping my addiction from taking complete control of me is the fact that Poland Spring is close to impossible to find in Chicago. I've only discovered two establishments that continuously carry Poland Spring, a Sbarro downtown and a convenient store in Bucktown. Both places only carry pint bottles which aren't practical for the amount of water I like to consume in a given day. Instead I find myself buying eight to ten gallon jugs at CVS when I visit my parents in Cincinnati. Even that only lasts me a week or two then I have to drink bad tasting tap water which somehow tastes worse after it goes through my Brita.

My life would be much more enjoyable and healthier if I could have access to a constant supply of Poland Spring water. I'm not asking for free water or anything. I'm not a freeloader. I would just like to have access to my favorite water.

Many of my friends make fun of me because I have such a problem with Poland Spring. I often hear people saying, "Water is water" and "Why do you have to drink that water instead of other waters?” But I don’t have a good answer. I love the taste of Poland Spring and have since I was in college, but hate the fact that it’s almost impossible for me to get it where I live now.

I would like to see if there is any possible way I could start getting jugs of Poland Spring, just like the jugs I see on the NBC show "The Office." I'll even buy a water cooler and pay for the shipping of the bottles. I’ll do whatever it takes to drink Poland Spring as much as I can. I want my Poland Spring.

Please let me know if there is anything I can to do help this situation. If it's going to every CVS in the area and requesting that they start carrying Poland Spring. If there are other regular retailers in Chicago I would be happy to start frequenting those spots, but I need to know where they are.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing back from you in the near future.


Brian Farasey

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


You might wanna watch your mouth at your next Bengals home game. There's a new service at Paul Brown Stadium whereby you can call the aforementioned number and report any fans next to you who are either using too much foul language, fighting, or are too drunk. I'm not sure how they will measure how much is too much. Like when Hines Ward does the Ickey Shuffle,, you're gonna get some people dropping some f-bombs. And while I'm not a fan of people fighting at games, this all feels a little big brother to me.

Wikipedia Lists

Every time I think that I've seen the coolest thing ever to hit Wikipedia, I find something cooler. This time it's their list of lists of lists. What? That's right, they have long had lists of cool things. What could be better than a list of those lists? A bigger page that breaks those lists down by category and lists everything! Confused yet? Just check it out.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The New Joker

I'd heard the rumor last week, but it was officially announced today that Heath Ledger, of gay cowboy fame, will be playing the Joker in the new Batman prequil entitled The Dark Knight. I wonder what Jack Nicholson is thinking. Actually, he's probably just thinking that he's Jack Nicholson, and if he felt like it he could sleep with your mother and you'd thank him for it.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Gibson DUI

Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson was arrested for a DUI today. But we should give him a break. He just lost his wife in a car crash, and he doesn't care if he lives or dies. When he was 19, he did a guy in Laos with a rifle shot at a thousand yards in high wind. Maybe eight or even ten guys in the world could have made that shot. It's the only thing he was ever good at.

Well, see you tomorrow.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Survive This

Richard Hatch
Richard Hatch, winner of the original Survivor (back when anyone cared), was sent to a federal, PMITA prison last week for 51 months for failure to pay taxes on the million bucks he won. What a dumbass. It's true that most people forgot about him pretty soon after he won, but did he think the IRS would forget? C'mon, they're like rock & roll. And they will send you to jail.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Tan Man

The Tan Man
Apparently Matt Farasey, or Meether, has an alter ego in Cincinnati. He is the Tan Man. If you email Q102 and are convincing enough, you could have him crash your pool party with "ice cold drinks from Pepsi, sunscreen from Banana Boat, and lunch from Subway, Snyders Pretzels and Trauth Ice Cream."

Normally, if I just heard about it randomly and didn't know who the Tan Man personally, I would think something like this wasn't worth writing to them about. But the public has no idea that having Meether at your pool party is the best thing that could ever happen to you. Or your pool.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

All Better

All Good 2006
I have returned from the 10th Annual All Good and I must say that it was quite the experience. Drew and I met people from all over the country and had a great time. Pictures are up in the gallery.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

All Good

Tonight I'm leaving for the weekend to meet Drew in West Virginia for the All Good Festival. It'll be like Bonnaroo except only 18,000 people instead of 80,000. We will be seeing a bunch of awesome musical acts with no overlap including The Black Crowes, Galactic, The Greyboy Allstars, Trey and Mike, Ween, Les Claypool, John Medeski, Disco Biscuits, Donavon Frankenreiter, Railroad Earth, and Mofro. Expect pictures next week.

Sorry for the lack of links in this post.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Mates of State

My new favorite band is called Mates of State. This is one of the best heads up I've ever gotten from Farasey, and their latest disc was my album of the long weekend. They're a married pop duo of keyboards and drums that write great songs and sing crazy harmonies. Other than that they're hard to describe. Except to say it's awe-some.

Super Return

Erin and I saw Superman Returns yesterday in IMAX 3D. It's a good thing too, because the movie only made something like $106 million domestically over the long weekend. But our $20 really put them over the top.

I actually really liked the movie. I guess I hadn't built my hopes up too much because movies that get so much hype like this one tend to disappoint. I think the first reason that I liked it was that I grew up on the Christopher Reeve movies and somehow they managed to keep the same look and feel, even with all the modern elements. I thought Brandon Routh looked and sounded a lot like him. Another plus for me was that I always wanted to see a Superman movie where his flying didn't look so fake. I guess the special effects for the original movie were cutting edge for 1978, but even while growing up there was a disconnect. Another plus was Kevin Spacey, who is one of the all-time greats.

I guess I shouldn't have gone in thinking that the 3D version was completely in 3D. Is that naive of me? I thought that 3D movies were all in 3D, but there were only 4 (maybe 5) different times in the film where we were instructed to put on our glasses. Those times were cool, but it was kinda strange to get used to it, then go back to normal, then get used to it again, etc. But it was probably way cooler than just seeing the film normally.

Finally, and I can't speak for any of the ladies on this, but at no time during the movie did I notice Superman's package. Which made me happy.

Friday, June 30, 2006

RIP Randy Walker

Randy Walker
Northwestern head football coach Randy Walker died suddenly yesterday of an apparent heart attack at age 52. Before moving to Northwestern he was the head coach at Miami for 9 years. His daughter Abbey and her husband Brian are friends of mine, and my deepest sympathies go out to them and the rest of the Walker family. He was a great human being and his death is truly a tragedy.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Poem

by Joe Patten

Indiana is a place of Hoosiers
Illinois is orange and blue
Michigan State is located in Michigan
And Michigan is full of poo
Ole Wisconsin smells like hair
In Evanston no one cares
Minnesoter is always soft
And Purdue has nothing but a drum
Iowa has hay
Penn State is work out gay
And Michigan located in Ann Arbor is dumb (dumb like a big pile of crap)
Ohio is the greatest land of all
People born there are better than others and their football is second to none
(last lines are sung to the national anthem)
Ohio State is the greatest team on earth
And that’s why Jesus was birthed

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rupert's Space

MySpace has just been purchased by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. If you're not familiar with News Corp, they are the conglomerate that owns Fox, DirectTV, TVGuide, and a shit-ton of newspapers. Yes, Fox News and MySpace are now owned by the same company. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. It sounds like they're putting some money into the site though. Hopefully that includes more/faster servers.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Oh Axl

Not that it will come as a big shock to anyone, but apparently this morning Axl Rose was involved in a confrontation in Stockholm, Sweeden during which he allegedly bit a security guard in the leg. You might assume that the only time you'd hear about a 44 year-old man resorting to such tatics would be on COPS, but we're talking about Axl here. It's almost as if he's intentionally trying to stall any possibility of resurrecting his career. Oh Axl, there might be 2 fans out there who are still excited about Chinese Democracy. Are you trying to alienate them too?

Monday, June 26, 2006

Most Controversial

I just came across Entertainment Weekly's list of the 25 Most Controvesial Movies Ever. I'm not sure how one measures controversy, but some of the movies they included seem pretty tame. And the fact that they have Aladdin listed right next to Caligula almost forced me to stop reading. But it's worth checking out. I will tell you right now that #1 is predictable and disappointing. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

New Guster

Guster's new album, Ganging Up on the Sun, was released yesterday. Erin and I have been enjoying it for the last few weeks. Do I feel guilty? Not really. I pre-ordered it through their website for delivery to my door. I just decided to use the internet to get a jump on my listening. I love technology. Anyway, give it a listen if you like good music.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006