Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Poland Sprung

I recently posted Farasey's letter to Poland Spring regarding their lack of availability in the Chicagoland area. This was their response. The typo of his name is the best part.

Dear Brain,

Thank you very much for your nice words about Poland Spring. I agree, (no coincidence), that it's the best tasting water on Earth. The problem is, due to a very competitive market in bottled water, we primarily sell the product in the northeast. You see all of Poland Spring comes from Maine. It costs quite a bit on money to ship that heavy water very far. Because of that, we market a brand of water in the Mid-West called Ice Mountain, bottled in Michigan. It's our experience that people are only willing to pay so much for their water. This is the best system we have to stay competitive with the likes of Coke and Pepsi ( They market processed tap water, Dasani and Aquafina).

Because of the popularity of Poland Spring, we have a few outlets in Chicago that are willing to sell it at the higher cost. I will have someone get you a list of those accounts

so you don't have to drive to Ohio to find it. For starters, I think you can find Poland Spring at your nearest Whole Foods Market.

I appreciate your passion and loyalty for our products. Please look to hear some more from us shortly.


Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Nestle Waters North America

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