Friday, June 30, 2006

RIP Randy Walker

Randy Walker
Northwestern head football coach Randy Walker died suddenly yesterday of an apparent heart attack at age 52. Before moving to Northwestern he was the head coach at Miami for 9 years. His daughter Abbey and her husband Brian are friends of mine, and my deepest sympathies go out to them and the rest of the Walker family. He was a great human being and his death is truly a tragedy.


Anonymous said...

So sad. He made Miami a better place when he was there. I never knew coach but Abbey was one of the nicest people I met while in school. I think her dad had to of been a good person because of how Abbey is. Northwestern picked him because of his ability to recruit athletes who could take a hard academic load. He did it at Miami and he was doing it at Northwestern. Just sad he didn't have more time to take them further.

Steve Poland said...

There is a discussion page about Coach Walker here.