Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Play On, Playa

From Farasey:

I got a random text message from an unfamiliar 513 number last night. I was intrigued and bored and the conversation went like this:

? - Wat up
Me - Who is this?
? - Taunta
? - You dont know who i am
Me - Why text me?
? - Oh its like that
Me -Yep
? - Ok then i holla
Me - Play on
? - Play on wat
Me - Playa
? - From wat hear you the pimp
Me - Says who
? - Nobody but how am i a playa
Me - Its an expression...didn't wanna call you a clown since i don't know who you are.
? - Sure wats good tho

I didn't understand what they were trying to say/ask in that last text so I just left it at that.

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