Monday, October 30, 2006

Great Day

I pretty bummed during the last few weeks because it seemed like everyone I knew was going to the Ohio State game this past Saturday except for me. Erin and her sister were going, Tim and Mary were coming down, Terby and Klaus had tickets, and I was destined to watch from my living room.

Then Fisher decided to come to town and we all went down to tailgate with Klaus's cousin Katie near the stadium. After a few hours of drinking other people's beer and eating other people's food we found ourselves hanging out in a pretty sweet RV, ready to watch the game while everyone else left for the horseshoe. Then Fisher pulled a Fisher and talked Katie and her boyfriend into selling us their student tickets. Before long we were down in the A-deck watching the Buckeyes shut out Minnesota with 100,000 of our closest friends.

I'm not sure if the highlight was watching the Golden Bear dot the I in Script Ohio or the fact that I got into the game using the ID of a girl who looks like this. Either way, it was a great day.

More pictures are available in the gallery.

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