Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Zune Sucks

Microsoft Zune
Today marked the much-anticipated release of Microsoft's attempt at the iPod killer. It's called the Zune, and you should not buy one.

"But Steve!," you say, "it has this cool soft rubber coating and I can send songs to my friends wirelessly!" My response? Wirelessly is not a word, and it still sucks. You can send songs to your friends if they have a Zune, but it takes a while and you can then only play the song 3 times. Lame. Also, their marketing tag line for the Zune is "Welcome to the Social." When was the last time you attended a social? Was there ice cream?

Seriously though, the real issue with the Zune is that Microsoft has agreed to pay the major record labels a portion of the profit from each unit sold. This is because they are assuming that most Zunes will be loaded with stolen music. While this may in fact be true, it's not right of them to assume it, and their paying of the labels sets a very dangerous precedent. And the consumers will pay the price. Literally.


Anonymous said...

If you buy a Zune, thereby paying the "piracy tax" to Universal, are you then cleared to go ahead and pirate music ?? Since you've just prepaid Universal for your "crime" ?? Seems only fair.

Steve Poland said...

Or if you buy a Zune, are you then allowed to listen to pirate music? Every now and again I enjoy a good sea shanty.