Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rupert's Space

MySpace has just been purchased by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. If you're not familiar with News Corp, they are the conglomerate that owns Fox, DirectTV, TVGuide, and a shit-ton of newspapers. Yes, Fox News and MySpace are now owned by the same company. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. It sounds like they're putting some money into the site though. Hopefully that includes more/faster servers.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to MySpace Rupert!

Anonymous said...

Oh no the corporations with all their corporating

John Boehner 2008

Steve Poland said...

There's no way a dude with the name Boehner, no matter how it's pronounced, will be elected president. Plus there's the Abramoff thing.

You just like him because Piqua is in his congressional district.

Anonymous said...

Boehner (pronounced bay'ner')

Piqua is the center of all things good in the world.

Anonymous said...

Piqua is where vision becomes reality

Anonymous said...

I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for duty....

Anonymous said...

I'm George Bush, and I've failed on every possible level....

Anonymous said...

did an 8 year old color this?

sorry I laugh at this... still laughing.....

still laughing

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares about your charts and graphs...on any possible level.

Anonymous said...

I like the drawing....

Its my sight I can post graphics and pictures if I want to pictures and graphics if I want to pictures and graphics if I want to....

Anonymous said...

Bush told the truth; kids lived....