Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Spawn of Tomkat

Katie Holmes is pregnant with the baby of an insane, Scientology-loving once cool actor. One guess as to who this might be.



Anonymous said...

Dearest Steve,
Please remove this negative posting. Have you ever met Tom or Katie. Our brothers and sisters will celebrate this great feat of nature for the great Tom has produced an off spring that will lead our movement to the top of the mountain. There is no reason to be negative towards the Cruisesses Steve. They love you like they love everyone. In chapter seven of Diatnetics captain sam experiences depression at his own missgivings so he lashes out at famous scientist. You are much like Captain Sam. Diatnetics can help you reach your highest human level Steve. The volcano has exploded and we are here to prepare for the return of the zukutit. Once they are here we will all be slaves....


Anonymous said...

Dearest Zanobar,
Dianetics isn't spelled Diatnetics??? You should ask you head Diater if Dianetics can help lower level humans acheive better spelling. Also ask him why you guys are supposed wear post 1940's bit collars and v necks. You all look gay...


Anonymous said...

Zanobar isn't my name its a greating from the Scientologist handbook. You don't understand anything and thats why you are so hateful.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I left my handbook at home.

Steve Poland said...

There's nothing like posting something on your website, going out of town for 2 days, coming back and seeing how funny your friends are. Did you do all this yourself or was Ryan involved? I don't care, it's hilarious either way. Keep up the good work.