Wednesday, October 19, 2005

PTC Top 10

Today the Parents Television Council released its list of the 'Top Ten Best and Worst Shows for family viewing on prime time broadcast television.'

Among the 10 'worst' shows for families were the following:
Family Guy
American Dad
That 70's Show
Arrested Development

Somehow The Simpsons did not make the list. Here is their review of Family Guy:

"This unbelievably foul animated series made a strong come back after being off the air for two years, thanks to the success of DVD sales among young males. The raunchy series follows the Griffins, a blue-collar New England family which includes a martini-swilling, talking dog and a matricidal baby bent on world domination. The show bases its humor on scatological and sexual references (including masturbation, incest, bestiality, necrophilia), and spoofs on popular culture. Institutions such as the church and family are held up to ridicule on a near-weekly basis. One episode this season featured Meg being deflowered by Jimmy Fallon on Saturday Night Live."

If I had never seen the show (god forbid) this review would have hooked me. I realize this was not their goal. They went on to say:

"Parents of young children should be especially concerned because Family Guy’s animated format is sure to attract young viewers. Shockingly, since its return in May, Family Guy is the highest ranked show among 12-17 year olds, and the fifth highest ranked show among children ages 2 to 11."

My response to this? If you don't pay attention to what your toddler is watching, you deserve what you get. If you still believe that every cartoon is made for children AFTER 17 SEASONS OF THE SIMPSONS then you are completely clueless and the PTC cannot help you no matter how many scathing reviews they write.

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