Sunday, October 23, 2005

Hooray for Joey

I'm back from Joe and Dana's wedding. Pictures are available here.


Anonymous said...

Awesome wedding. Despite horrible planning, the involvement of a bunch of a**holes (like Brian, Steve and myself), and sub-par weather, we managed to pull this whole thing off like the pretend adults that we are.

Way to document everything in true Steve Poland fashion.

Joe's super creepy step-grandfather

Anonymous said...

Let's give it up for Joe's cousin, Miles.

Steve Poland said...

Let's give it up for The Beard.

Anonymous said...

My name is Mile's. I'm better than all of you. Look at my Williams towel. Didn't you get one???

Anonymous said...

Who's the handsome stud with the phone in his hand? Tell him to call me at 715-987-1253

Anonymous said...

That number didn't work. Jessica, will you please post your number again?

Steve Poland said...

Who's got two thumbs and hates Miles?

Anonymous said...

This guy here!!!

Anonymous said...

Why do you guys make fun of me? Is it because I went to Williams College?

Anonymous said...


Steve Poland said...

Jessica, what did I tell you about pimping yourself out on my website? Yes, that's right, do it more often.

I too wondered about the Wisconsin area code. Glad you could clear that up.

Anonymous said...

How come Steve Carrell was invited to the wedding and I wasn't? I love lamp.

Anonymous said...

Who needs cream? Anyone?
Shut up, Farva.
Okay, no cream

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great!!