Friday, November 03, 2006

Fraggle Movie

Fraggle Rocks
I've been a fan of all things Muppet since I was a kid. I probably watched Muppets Take Manhattan about 3 times a day for I don't even know how long. So I was of course a fan of Fraggle Rock and the genius it achieved in its 5 seasons on television. Apparently Ahmet Zappa, the most normally named child of Frank, was also a fan. He is executive producing a full-length movie in which the Fraggles venture out into the human world for the first time. No word yet on whether any of the Doozers will make the trek with them. Worry's for another day my friends.


Anonymous said...

I like the fact that you include clickable links in your postings so I can choose to get more information, but I feel like you overuse Wikipedia. I know it is filled with all the knowledge we could ever hope to attain, but branch out man. Show me something new, that's what brought me here in the first place. That and a story about self checkout lines that I disagreed with.

Anonymous said...

I hate you anonymous (Brian).