Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Super Return

Erin and I saw Superman Returns yesterday in IMAX 3D. It's a good thing too, because the movie only made something like $106 million domestically over the long weekend. But our $20 really put them over the top.

I actually really liked the movie. I guess I hadn't built my hopes up too much because movies that get so much hype like this one tend to disappoint. I think the first reason that I liked it was that I grew up on the Christopher Reeve movies and somehow they managed to keep the same look and feel, even with all the modern elements. I thought Brandon Routh looked and sounded a lot like him. Another plus for me was that I always wanted to see a Superman movie where his flying didn't look so fake. I guess the special effects for the original movie were cutting edge for 1978, but even while growing up there was a disconnect. Another plus was Kevin Spacey, who is one of the all-time greats.

I guess I shouldn't have gone in thinking that the 3D version was completely in 3D. Is that naive of me? I thought that 3D movies were all in 3D, but there were only 4 (maybe 5) different times in the film where we were instructed to put on our glasses. Those times were cool, but it was kinda strange to get used to it, then go back to normal, then get used to it again, etc. But it was probably way cooler than just seeing the film normally.

Finally, and I can't speak for any of the ladies on this, but at no time during the movie did I notice Superman's package. Which made me happy.


Anonymous said...

Your favorite part of the movie was my package...sinner.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the husband guy that married Lois Lane has a bit of an inferiority complex knowing that his wife got it from Superhenry? I mean he can't even joke to his buddies that he doesn't care about it, because he knows back in the back of his mind that he is raising Superman's child while his wife dreams of the Supervein. I mean the Superjump is always going to be better than a normal old average schmo with a pilot's license and some candles. I think he should divorce her and go back to normal woman who haven't been submarined by the Superpole. Even if she convinces him that he's alright in the sack she still is going to have dreams of ole SuperEye. I just feel bad for the guy....

Steve Poland said...

Agreed. I found it funny that they just skirted around that issue in the movie, but in the back of everyone's mind was some superbangin'.

Anonymous said...

I think that when he told Lois that he flew to save her she kind of chuckled. Poor guy.

Anonymous said...

I am Blob Head!!!

Anonymous said...

So does mine!