Sunday, September 18, 2005

Google It

Dan pointed out to me today that if you google the word 'failure', the first site it finds is the biography of President Bush.


Anonymous said...

New Jersey Republicans say an analysis of state voter rolls has turned up evidence of "widespread fraud,“ including nearly 5,000 people listed as voting, who were unfortunately, dead. Investigators found nearly 55,000 people registered in multiple counties, and nearly 4,400 who voted twice in 2004. What's more, 170,000 New Jersey residents were registered to vote in other states and 6,500 of those appear to have voted twice.

Republicans are threatening to sue Democratic Attorney General Peter Harvey to force him to clean up the problems. But Democrats are not concerned. A spokesman for New Jersey's Democratic Committee tells the Star-Ledger, "If the Republican Party conducted the investigation, it's safe to assume the facts and figures are wrong."

"The West Wing sucks!"

I looked up the word drunk and found pictures of Ted Kennedy banging a donkey on Google.

Steve Poland said...

I would hesitate if I were you to play the voting statistics game. This administration will never come out ahead.

But you're right that democrats, Ted Kennedy, and the West Wing do suck.

Anonymous said...

Never come out ahead of what exactly? Dead people voting has been a Democratic Party staple since the sixties. They love that shit... They can't get enough of it.

The only thing that pisses me off more that Democrats are Republicans. The only thing that pisses me off more than Republicans are Democrats. They just stank.... (shrug) I think that currently Democrats are way more annoying than Republicans. That could switch aroooo, but right now they are way more annoying.