Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Lost Tonight

Fans of ABC's Lost finally get to see inside the hatch tonight.


Anonymous said...

What happens when 12 models, a black kid, and a fat guy with long hair get stuck on a beach? See the show that critics love...

"Don't go in there NOOOOOoooooooo!"

The New York Times says, "LOST is the greatest show you'll watch this fall."

"It ends here and now COWARD!!"

TV Guide says, "The ABC Lineup has a winner in LOST"

"I love you, I know you do."

Don't miss LOST or you'll miss out on the way out and you'll stay LOST!!

right after Everybody Loves Raymond syndicated.....

Steve Poland said...

You forgot the black guy, two Korean people, and a hobbit.

Anonymous said...

How much for that Hobbit in the window?

Steve Poland said...

Nice to see that Malloy is doing television.