Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Best Costume Ever

Brian Farasey as Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer. The briefcase seals it for me. Happy Halloween everyone.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Great Day

I pretty bummed during the last few weeks because it seemed like everyone I knew was going to the Ohio State game this past Saturday except for me. Erin and her sister were going, Tim and Mary were coming down, Terby and Klaus had tickets, and I was destined to watch from my living room.

Then Fisher decided to come to town and we all went down to tailgate with Klaus's cousin Katie near the stadium. After a few hours of drinking other people's beer and eating other people's food we found ourselves hanging out in a pretty sweet RV, ready to watch the game while everyone else left for the horseshoe. Then Fisher pulled a Fisher and talked Katie and her boyfriend into selling us their student tickets. Before long we were down in the A-deck watching the Buckeyes shut out Minnesota with 100,000 of our closest friends.

I'm not sure if the highlight was watching the Golden Bear dot the I in Script Ohio or the fact that I got into the game using the ID of a girl who looks like this. Either way, it was a great day.

More pictures are available in the gallery.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Chad's Mohawk

I'm actually not a big fan of Chad Johnson's blond Mohawk, but if you like it and are looking for a great Halloween costume, this head piece is for you. I guess you could also buy it and go out as Simon Phoenix, it's up to you.

Penny Prank

Always a fan of good pranks, I knew when Farasey sent me this one I'd have to post it.

"This girl that sits behind me hates pennies so while she was at lunch I emptied about 6 rolls of pennies on her desk and made sure none of them were touching. She was pissed but loved it at the same time. I came back to my desk and she was throwing them at my computer but she started laughing and I knew I won."

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Browser Updates

The two major browsers have released new versions recently. Here's the info:

Firefox 2
Firefox has been the better browser for a few years. And while this new release is probably great in ways that I haven't yet investigated, there is one noticeable change that has been bugging me already. The tab close buttons have been moved to the individual tabs instead of at the right of the screen where they were previously. Fortunately this can be fixed pretty easily by changing the value of the browser.tabs.closeButtons key in the about:config to 3.

IE is trying to compete by offering the functionality that Firefox has offered for years: tabbed browsing and RSS feeds. It's about time, Microsoft. I'm still not going to use this browser, but at least it might make the masses a little more web-savvy.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

New House

If both of you who ever read this site have been wondering about the lack of updates, it's because Erin and I bought a house a few weeks ago and have been in the process of moving. We're really happy with the place (especially the hot tub), and are especially excited to be living in the same town after three years.

Expect regular updates to resume soon, provided I see something funny or interesting enough to post. Is it me or has the internet been kinda boring lately? OK, maybe it's just me.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Thug Life

Miami Behind Bars

The Ohio State Buckeyes have long been called thugs by their detractors because of the large number of players who have run into trouble with the law. While I certainly don't condone this behavior, one college football game this weekend exposed the true thugs: The Miami Hurricanes.

If you haven't seen footage of the brawl between the 'Canes and Florida International on Saturday, just tune in to ESPN sometime in the next few days and you're sure to catch it. This one took the South Carolina-Clemson brawl in 2004 to a new level. There were players stomping on heads, Haynesworth-style. They even used crutches as weapons. It was a disgrace to the sport and as of now there have been quite a few players suspended, but only for one game. If it were up to me, none of them would ever play college football again. Larry Coker should be fired. It's hard to believe that this is the same Miami that almost beat OSU for the national championship.

What I don't understand is why this is such a heated rivalry. I realize that both schools recruit from the same area in Florida, but at what point has FIU been a contender? Why worry so much about a school whose only notable alumnus is Andy Garcia? Ohio State and Michigan have the biggest rivalry in the history of football, but you would never see them brawl like this. They hit harder in that game than any other, but afterwards you will still see the players throw the ball to the official out of respect for the game, their coaches, and the fans.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

New Beck

I've been meaning to post about the new Beck album for a while now. It seems like it's been kinda under the radar, but it's great. He recorded it with Nigel Godrich, who produced Sea Change and Mutations (and OK Computer and Kid A, while we're talking about it). And if you actually buy it you get a DVD with videos for each of the 15 songs. Awe-some.