Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Why Not?

Why it makes sense for Hollywood to stay away from original movies

Why the public isn't revolting about Iraq like they did about Vietnam

Why fast foods are bad, even in moderation

Why club soda removes red wine stains

Why large creatures go extinct

Why bullies behave that way

Why Bose sucks


Anonymous said...

Why Iraqi's are even allowed to vote

Anonymous said...

So why aren't the streets clogged with angry Americans demanding to know why their president lied and deceived them so he could attack a country that had absolutely nothing to do with his so-called war on terror?

BECAUSE THE BUMS LOST!!!! go buy a milk....

Anonymous said...

I am sorry but being mad doesn't make you right. You wanna talk jive? I can talk jive all day.

Anonymous said...

Did you just call me Coltrane?

Anonymous said...

What? Coltrane...