Monday, July 10, 2006

Give Head

Head But
What a dumbass.


Anonymous said...

I think there is more to this. There are reports that he (Zidane) and his teammates were on the receiving end racial slurs from some of the Italian players. But I don't see how that could be since Europeans are so much more cultured than us brutish Americans.

Anonymous said...

What is really sad for the Italian is that he was knocked down by a Frenchman. What really shocked me about the World Cup final is when France went up 1-0 in the first 8 minutes. I thought for sure the Italian fans would jump ship and join the French.

Anonymous said...

I eat spaghetti because it makes me strong

Anonymous said...

I'm-a gonna win!

Steve Poland said...

Zidane was a dumbass for doing it. I'm not saying that it wasn't cool to see a soccer player show some balls. It was. But he knew he would get carded. Was it worth losing the tournament?

Anonymous said...

Who cares its soccer? Its not like anybody was watching when it happened anyway.

Anonymous said...

Wre Per!