Monday, May 22, 2006

Three Namers

In the same vein as the First Namers, here is a list of people who go by all three of their names:

John Quincy Adams
Hans Christian Andersen
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alexander Graham Bell
John Wilkes Booth
George Washington Carver
Francis Ford Coppola
Jamie Lee Curtis
Billy Ray Cyrus
Arthur Conan Doyle
Ralph Waldo Emerson
John Wayne Gacy
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Anthony Michael Hall
Philip Seymour Hoffman
William Randolph Hearst
James Earl Jones
Tommy Lee Jones
Martin Luther King
Mary Tyler Moore
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Sarah Jessica Parker
Joseph Myers Patten
Edgar Allan Poe
Mary Lou Retton
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
William Tecumseh Sherman
Anna Nicole Smith
John Philip Sousa
Robert Louis Stevenson
Henry David Thoreau
Billy Bob Thornton
Frank Lloyd Wright


Anonymous said...

See you thought I wouldn't see what you put in there for me to see but I did see it! Ah hah!

Steve Poland said...

You're right, can't slip anything past the Peeps