Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Carson's Cornhole

Carson's Cornhole
I think that people my age just missed the Cornhole craze when we were in college. I've actually never played, but it looks like you just throw a bean bag at a board with a hole in it. I haven't really understood what all the fuss was about, but you can play while holding a beer so I guess that pretty much says it all. Now Carson Palmer is throwing himself into the Cornhole scene with the 1st Annual Carson Palmer Cornhole Classic. Anything for charity I guess.


Anonymous said...

You say one more thing about Carson Palmer and you die!

Anonymous said...

Unless its a good thing. You can say good things about Carson Palmer all day without fear of death.

Steve Poland said...

I didn't really say anything bad about Carson or his classic cornhole. See what I did there?!

Anonymous said...

How's the knee Carson? Mmmmwahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Go Bears!