Thursday, April 20, 2006

Smilin' Will

Smilin' Will Band
Joey's band has a website. Their name is Smilin' Will. While I haven't heard them yet, George Pierson McDavis says they might be the best band in the world. And you can't argue with that.

Note: None of the band members are named Will.


Anonymous said...

I heard their song "My Heart Will Go On." Priceless.

Anonymous said...

I heard them last week

Anonymous said...

They wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)

Anonymous said...

Hi. My name is Joe. I think I'm really cool because I finally turned 27 and now I'm in a band which is what I should have been doing all along instead of trying to sling mutual funds. Also I'm married to a really cool chick that almost too cool for me.
Did you hear about my friend Steve? He's engaged. I don't want to take the attention away from myself and my new band, but I think it's important.
Also, my friend Brian got me a great present for my birthday. It's perfect for me on so many levels. I left him a message about it last night. I love my life. Smiling's my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Hey hey uh hey Blandt... Wait wait, wait a minute, lets look at the laaaaaugh meter. Lets see just how high up this meter goes on the laaugh meter should we? Lauuugh Meter..

Anonymous said...

Farwick Fields this Friday

Date Time Place
Friday, April 28 8 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Farwick Fields

Should be fun time.. If you're not going to the baseball game this might be fun, no promises though.. I have never been to this place so I'm not really sure what its like. I know that its out-doors so that could be good. Its supposed to be 65 and breezy. There is beer, food, and softball going on if you hate the Blues… Farwick is located off 275 at the Miamitown exit.. You take a left after you exit and it will be down the road about 400 yards on your left hand side. If you have ever been driving on 275 it is that large park with a huge lake quarry that doubles as a driving range. We have been nominated for one of those Cincinnati Band awards as the greatest rock band of all time. We mainly play old R&B and Blues tunes but we have been trying to add more southern rock and country to appease the masses. Good times… I think its maybe 3 dollars to get in.