Wednesday, March 01, 2006

One Crazy Year

Tomorrow marks one year on the internet for stevepoland dot net. Thanks to both of my fans for still reading.

This was the only picture I could find on google images for 1st birthday that wasn't lame.


Anonymous said...

You have more than 2 fans.

Anonymous said...

You have at least nine

Anonymous said...

You've made a deadly enemy, Steve Poland!

-Da Heartbreak Kid
(Where breakin' hearts is the name of the game, yo!)

Anonymous said...

Robot Here,
I think Da Heartbreak Kid was probably some sort of dweeb in high school with some kind of facial blemish. That would explain his overcompensated need for self promotion. He probably walks in a bow legged gangly fashion and does as many drugs as possible to forget the fact that he was dumped by a pair shaped freckle faced girl who had a fiancé in the military. Robot out....

(This message is said in a low toneless robot voice)

Anonymous said...

Yo Robot! Why da hater stance? Dat's alright, I feed off haters like you. You are now on my enemy list with Steve Poland, Robot. No! I never had a facial blemish...Why you hatin'. I have to look at myself in the mirror and tell everyone at not to come to and to stay X-static about me. HATERS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Robot is tabulating data.........

Robot believes you do too much Crystal Meth

Anonymous said...

Hey Robot! How you gonna pay? How you gonna pay? Last Year's Rent!!!

Anonymous said...

With money.

Nothing you're hair in the moonlight!!

Robot thinks the musical Rent is a bastardization of 90's culture. Boring Boring Boring. Nothing more hilarious than watching a musical theater buff's vision of history. I'm glad he died. What we gonna do, "The power blows." More like this show Blows!!!

Robot out.

Anonymous said...

I'm leaving this website. I don't want to talk to my enemies. I'll go to another site that wants to talk about musical theatre, my role as Roger in Rent, how everyone should see Rent at least once in their lifetime, trucker hats, Ashton Kutcher, and most importantly...ME!


Anonymous said...

Yo Ashton, you should really see this guy. The similarities are amazing. Did you guys grow up together in Queens?