Wednesday, February 22, 2006

James Lipton Sucks

James Lipton
I just couldn't stop thinking today about how much of a kiss-ass James Lipton is. I realize this isn't news to anybody, but it drives me crazy. I heard that he recently had Dave Chappelle on Inside the Actor's Studio. While I'm a huge fan of Dave's, I think it's pretty ridiculous that he would appear on that show. I didn't see it, but from what I heard, he seemed to think it was strange himself. I started to wonder who were the most ridiculous people ever to appear on the show. Here's my top (or bottom) 5:

Rosie O'Donnell
Sylvester Stallone
Jennifer Lopez
Martin Lawrence
Roseanne Barr

Come on, Lipton. Have you already sucked the ass of every talented actor? Surely this can't be the case. Raise the bar. The only redeeming thing about you is that Will Ferrell made me laugh while impersonating you.


Anonymous said...

I actually watched the show for the first time when Chappelle was on it. I love Dave so I had to. I found new respect for Dave while loosing even more for Lipton. He is the biggest turd to ever grace the televsion set. The worst part about the show is that there are like 150 thespians sitting in the audience practicing their listening and concerned face while bursting out in laughter everytime said interviewy gets chummy. It really makes your stomach churn. Dave is a badass and can really go in any setting cause he is pure truth. It doesn't matter how annoying Lipton is when he is sitting next to an honest person. I think that Lipton should be rolled in butter and then thrown into a sandbox. After that he should be shocked with electricity until his head catches fire. That would be a good punishment for his complete and total pursuit of fame. Its hard to teach about fame when you have none. Right now I am just trying to use up all of my possible characters. Eighteen lef

Steve Poland said...

Good use of the 1000 characters buddy.