Wednesday, February 08, 2006

And We're Back

Sorry for the recent outage. Dan was moving the server. Hopefully I have lost all (both) of my fans.


Anonymous said...

I actually flipped out and went postal during the site's absence. You're personally responsible for three deaths.

Steve Poland said...

Yeah, but that's way fewer deaths than can be attributed to cartoons lately.

Anonymous said...

Those were not CARTOONS! THEY WERE THE END ALL BE ALL OF CIVILIZATION! YOU WESTERNERS WITH YOU GREESY HAIR WILL ALL PAY FOR THESE CRIMES AGAINST ISLAM!!!! AND then were going to go to Michigan! and Montana! and Indiana! and the were going to go South DAKOTA and North Dakota and OREGON! AND THEN WERE GOING to take back the WHITEHOUSE!! YEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

whew I'm tired does any one want a Fresca?