Monday, January 23, 2006

West Wing Canceled

Cast of The West Wing
Though it could be said that The West Wing died a long time ago, it will finally be canceled after this season. It's been horrible since Aaron Sorkin left, but before then it was one of my favorite shows. I'm sad it's going to be canceled, but I've been sad about how bad every new episode has been.


Anonymous said...

Look on the bright side: Now Eric is free to make Billy Madison 2.

He's gonna be a soccer player! He is!

Anonymous said...

Now I can really run for President!!!

Anonymous said...

Now I have complete control of the Liberal mind set...

Anonymous said...

I scored 81 points yesterday and you're posting about the f'ing West Wing? I love this site but I might not be coming back.

Anonymous said...

Talk to me when you've scored 101.

Anonymous said...

I think that Gina's Show is so hot right now.

Anonymous said...

Damn! Our only tool to brainwash the public is gone. Wait a minute! We still have Commander and Chief. You're right, James. That Gina Davis is as hot as Hansel right now.

Anonymous said...

Vote Martin '08
Sheen and Estevez in '08

I promise that I will be better than my Presidency on West Wing.

Anonymous said...

Earth Presidents are easy

Anonymous said...

Harvard track!