Monday, December 26, 2005

Top 10 Albums of 2005

As the year comes to a close I thought I'd post my favorite albums that came out this year. This is just my opinion, but if you decide to get any of these I don't think you'll regret it. Feel free to disagree with me Joe.

James Blunt - Back to Bedlam10. James Blunt - Back to Bedlam
Released October 4

I was surprised that I liked this album, but good songwriting and great production came together. I especially like the creative use of keyboards. More specifically, the use of the Fender Rhodes and Wurlitzer. Everybody talks about how he was a soldier and now a singer, which is cool and all, but I wouldn't care if the songs weren't good.

Key tracks: 4, 5, 10

Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine9. Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine
Released October 4

A lot of people thought that the early version of this album leaked to the internet was better than the official release. Maybe they're right, but this one is still pretty great. I guess I'm a sucker for those finishing touches. Jon Brion is a genius and this album is almost as good as "When the Pawn..."

Key tracks: 3, 6, 9

The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan8. The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan
Released June 7

Jack and Meg can do no wrong, and they keep the greatness coming on this album. I mean, who else can rock out with a marimba?

Key tracks: 2, 3, 4, 6, 10

Common - Be7. Common - Be
Released May 24

Common, or Common Sense, or whatever he cares to call himself, is the best rapper on the planet. Add to that the production of Kanye West and you've got a great album. He can flow like no other. It even features their rap from Chappelle's Show which is a nice bonus.

Key tracks: 2, 7, 8, 10

Beck - Guero6. Beck - Guero
Released March 29

I listened to this album so many times before it was officially released that by the time it was, I was almost sick of it. Except that this album is awe-some and I would never get sick of it. This is very different from Sea Change, but just as great. Jack White even makes an appearance playing bass.

Key tracks: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10

Ben Folds - Songs for Silverman5. Ben Folds - Songs for Silverman
Released April 26

I wish I were Ben Folds. He's a virtuoso and he's friends with William Shatner. Ok, I don't care that much about Shatner, but I'm still jealous. While I might not like this album as much as his last solo effort, it's still better than most other music released this year. And one of the songs is about Elliott Smith.

Key tracks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8

Death Cab for Cutie - Plans4. Death Cab for Cutie - Plans[/b]
Released August 30

Some are accusing Death Cab of selling out with this album. While I agree it's more accessible than their previous efforts, I don't think it means they've sold out. I think it means they've made their best album yet. And listening to this album doesn't mean you like The OC. I just want to make that clear.

Key tracks: 2, 5, 6, 7, 11

Jamiroquai - Dynamite3. Jamiroquai - Dynamite
Released September 30

Funk is not dead. The band with the funny name puts it down again. This is their first album where I can really enjoy listening all the way through. And there are a couple tracks that are so funky it hurts.

Key tracks: 1, 3, 5, 10, 11

Coldplay - X&Y2. Coldplay - X&Y
Released June 7

It seems like you either love or hate Coldplay. I love them. I don't think they're the second coming or anything, but they write great songs and put on a great show. This is not their best album but it's still great.

Key tracks: 2, 4, 7, 8, 11

Sufjan Stevens - Illinois1. Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
Released July 5

This is one of the best albums I've ever heard in my life. It's great from beginning to end. I was a fan of his record about Michigan, but this is even better. The music, the lyrics, the fact that he plays about 20 different instruments. And it includes a beautiful song about a serial killer. What more can you ask for?

Key tracks: all of them

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Notes to Netflix

Note to Netflix
This is from a Flickr photoset of post-it notes people have included when returning their Netflix movies. I posted one that was funny, but not the funniest one there because I didn't want to ruin it. See, I've got love for you.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Pit Pat
I have been meaning to post this since I read it. It's an open letter that David Cross wrote to Larry The Cable Guy in response to the chapter in his book where he slams him in response to the time David slammed him in a Rolling Stone article. Confused yet? Just click here.

P.S. If you're unfamiliar with the magical, pan-sexual, non-threatening spokesthing shown above, watch Mr. Show.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday

Science Fiction

Kirstie AlleyCatherine BellTom Cruise
Emilio EstevesIsaac HayesKatie Holmes
Jason LeeJuliette LewisDanny Masterson
Kelly PrestonLeah ReminiGiovanni Ribisi
Patrick SwayzeJohn Travolta
Question: What do all of these celebrities have in common?

Answer: They are all insane! They believe in Scientology, the religion based on science fiction! If you don't know anything about this scary organization, check out this article by the guy the South Park creators turned to for info when they decided to make fun of a couple of these celebs and their cult.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Turnpike Prank

Turnpike Prank
I decided to post this because I thought it was funny and I hate toll roads.

Sunday, December 18, 2005


I just read that the new Superman movie seems to be having problems because Brandon Routh is well endowed. The studio is going to fix it with special effects. Laugh at will. Or cry I guess, depending on the size of your package.

The Chappelle Theory

Dave Chappelle
If you were stunned, confused and disappointed by the sudden cancellation of the third season of Chappelle's Show you should read this theory. I don't know if it's true, but it's at least worth a read. Hopefully the dark crusaders won't come after me for posting the link.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

AD on Showtime?

Rumor has it that Arrested Development, which was recently cancelled by Fox, might resurface on Showtime. This would be awe-some. Not that I have any desire to order Showtime. Why can't network television recognize genius?

Monday, December 12, 2005


I've posted about the greatness of Wikipedia before, but lately I'm becoming a fan of Uncyclopedia. It's similar to Wikipedia, except that every article is false. A good example would be this entry I read recently about Nobody. My favorites are that "He doesn't like Sara Lee" and that "If momma ain't happy, he's happy." If this doesn't make sense to you, just go read it. It will probably make you laugh.

Population Map

Population Map
I think maps are cool. I really like this one from ODT that shows each country by population size. You can click to enlarge. Each grid square represents a million people. Take that Canada!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

RIP Richard Pryor

Richard Pryor
Comedy legend Richard Pryor died yesterday of a heart attack.
I guess this is just that kind of year.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Reggie Bush

Reggie Bush
If you loved watching Reggie Bush this year, you will enjoy his Heisman video.

You might also enjoy his high school highlight reel, which is also insane.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Mel or Saddam?

Mel GibsonSaddam
I was trying to figure out who was crazier and then it occurred to me that they might be the same person!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Over the Line

No More Hines Ward
I think that Hines Ward is a very talented football player, but he crossed the line on Sunday during the Steelers' loss to the Bengals. He did the Ickey Shuffle. If you don't remember Ickey Woods or his famous dance, you might not have noticed. There are people out there who think the post-touchdown celebrations have gone too far. I don't really mind what the players do as long as they are original. But doing the Ickey Shuffle crosses a line. I'm really surprised the Bengals let him get away with it. In summary, get your own dance Hines Ward.

P.S. You lost.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Firefox 1.5

If you aren't already using Firefox, you should be. Version 1.5 just came out so this is a perfect time to make the switch.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

75 Bands

There are supposedly 75 bands represented in this picture. How many can you name?

Escher Legos

Escher Legos
If you are a fan of Legos, M.C. Escher, or just things that are cool, you might enjoy this website.

Note: I think this site might be down due to high traffic, but keep checking back.