Sunday, November 20, 2005

Go Bucks

mmm... bucks

The Ohio State Buckeyes pulled off a win yesterday.
Even with the Michigan superfan rooting against them.

Mike Hirsh, Superfan


Anonymous said...

I suck at life.

Anonymous said...

We just couldn't get our run game going and it affected our passing game. All and all I think that we are the most unlucky team in the country. This one hurts.... this one hurts really bad. I think that its one those games that will stay in our minds here for along time. Possibly for the entire collective of every single person here in Michigan. To all of my fans and to all of the residents of Michigan I apologize.

Anonymous said...

I let everyone down. Its my fault. I have never beaten Ohio State or Notre Dame. Its just a terrible feeling. I think that we will be better next year. We have problems in the coaching staff that need addressed this offseason. I think that Lloyd should probably give up and retire. The game has passed him by in my opinion. Its just a terrible feeling...

Anonymous said...

I am digusted by the play of our team. I want nothing but the best for Ohio State. I wish I would have played for them instead of this shit bag of a school that loses to Jim Tressel 4 times in 5 years... I am disgusted and thats why I am pulling the trigger. Good bye cruel world..

Anonymous said...

Michigan should just quit.

Anonymous said...

Hello. My name is Fielding. A lot of kids beat me up because of my name.

Anonymous said...

I go on people's porches at night and do things that 14 year old boys do in the bathroom with a magazine when no one is looking.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have David Boston's phone number?

Anonymous said...

Bitch quit calling me!

Anonymous said...

I just crossed your border.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't anyone talking about me?

Anonymous said...

Why should they???

Anonymous said...

Because I'm better than you!!! Have fun at the Capital One Bowl, AJ.

Anonymous said...

Paul, you're no Shane Conlan.

Anonymous said...

If you're better than me then why will I win the Butkus Award and go before you in the NFL Draft??? Have fun at your first Bowl game ever, Paul.

Anonymous said...

You're right AJ I am overated.

Anonymous said...

I no longer wish to be called AJ. My new name is, DJ Hawk.

Anonymous said...

I admit it. I quit during the Michigan game cause I was tired from being fat.

Anonymous said...

I now want to be called TJ Hawk. And yes, I did have sex with Joe Patten.

Anonymous said...

As long as she was hot...

Anonymous said...

A.J. Want to touch my Butkus and Defensive Player of the Year awards?

Anonymous said...

Paul want to see my National Championship ring or my three Big Ten Titles?

Anonymous said...

AJ, I hear that you are banging Brady Quinn?

Anonymous said...

If you mean banging him to the ground in the Fiesta Bowl, you would be correct.

Anonymous said...

My knee hurts.