Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Burger King Guy

The guy running onto the field at the end of the Bengals game was funny, but finding out that he went to high school with Farasey makes it even better. I was surprised that he made it as far as he did before security nailed him. Actually, I was surprised that none of the players took him out. Favre didn't really seem upset, but I guess he was just glad that if he had to give up the ball again that it wasn't to Tory James or Deltha O’Neal.

There is now a nice video of this where they've actually superimposed the Burger King Guy into the clip.

What's superimposed?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome super-obscure "superimposed" reference, Steve. You button-hooked me. I didn't know you were gonna button-hook me.