Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Cigarette Throwing Bastards

I understand that your car and your bathroom are just about the only places you can smoke these days, but if you must smoke in your car, would you mind not hurling the flaming butts out your window? And if you drive an 18-wheeler, would you not throw them on my windshield? This happened to my yesterday. Twice.

I don't know if a car could ever explode from a stray butt. Does it matter? This is not an illegal act, but I do know that there was an incident in San Juan where a man was stopped "for tossing one from his window. He claimed it was the cherry, not the butt. Debate ended after his suspended license commanded a new charge and arrest." This doesn't really help my case other than to say be especially careful down there in PR. But seriously, my car could explode. Couldn't it?

The City of Boulder reminds smokers to "use ashtrays and extinguish cigarettes before discarding them. Officials believe a cigarette tossed from a car window started a grass fire last summer." And my car could explode!

Car manufacturers love you! They put those ashtrays in there just for you! And for my change... but mainly just for you! Take advantage!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is illegal as paper is considered littering. I say light them on fire and throw them out the window.