Thursday, December 21, 2006

Road Pac-Man

Apparently people in Minnesota have great senses of humor. There's a stretch of highway on Highway 55 on which the government had painted white dots "to slow tailgaters by showing drivers how far apart to stay". Some genius painted a Pac-Man next to one of them. Kudos, anonymous painter.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Horny Manatee

Only Conan O'Brien would ad lib a joke about a manatee mascot porn website called and then actually create it and put up hilarious pictures.

Warning: This is not safe for work, especially if your work doesn't allow graphic photos of people in manatee costumes.

Monday, December 11, 2006


In case you've been living on another planet, Buckeyes quarterback Troy Smith won the Heisman Trophy this weekend. It was the 7th time an Ohio State player has won and the 2nd largest margin of victory in the history of the trophy. Watch yourself, Gators.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

SNL Webcast

Apparently the folks at NBC are kicking around the idea of making the Saturday Night Live Friday dress rehearsals available via webcast. Is there something I'm missing here? Do we really need something else to make us not laugh? I watched some of last season and it was disappointing just about every time. The Lazy Sunday sketch was about the only thing I saw that was original or funny. I tried to watch portions of the first few episodes this year but I just couldn't stomach it.

Get some writers, then worry about webcasts!

Monday, December 04, 2006


After USC's loss to UCLA in the Pac-10 championship on Saturday night, speculations arose as to who would battle Ohio State in the National Championship game in Glendale, AZ on Jan 8th.

Apparently the voters in the human polls (which make up 2/3 of the BCS rankings) did not want to see a rematch of the Michigan game, because they voted Florida in as the #2 team. Judging by the above survey, the Bucks are favored to win.

Bring it on, SEC.