Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Carson's Cornhole

Carson's Cornhole
I think that people my age just missed the Cornhole craze when we were in college. I've actually never played, but it looks like you just throw a bean bag at a board with a hole in it. I haven't really understood what all the fuss was about, but you can play while holding a beer so I guess that pretty much says it all. Now Carson Palmer is throwing himself into the Cornhole scene with the 1st Annual Carson Palmer Cornhole Classic. Anything for charity I guess.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

JB on Ellen

Jack Black on Ellen Degeneres
I can't say that I watch Ellen but I did enjoy this clip of Jack Black appearing on her musical edition. He always makes me laugh.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


There's an awesome new website for Cincinnati called Labeled as "your guide to Cincinnati's best restaurants, entertainment and attractions," it's definitely one of the best uses of flash I've ever seen. And I'm not just saying that because Joe Patten did the music and the site was created by his sister and brother-in-law at Stanard Design Partners. Check it out.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Three Namers

In the same vein as the First Namers, here is a list of people who go by all three of their names:

John Quincy Adams
Hans Christian Andersen
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alexander Graham Bell
John Wilkes Booth
George Washington Carver
Francis Ford Coppola
Jamie Lee Curtis
Billy Ray Cyrus
Arthur Conan Doyle
Ralph Waldo Emerson
John Wayne Gacy
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Anthony Michael Hall
Philip Seymour Hoffman
William Randolph Hearst
James Earl Jones
Tommy Lee Jones
Martin Luther King
Mary Tyler Moore
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Sarah Jessica Parker
Joseph Myers Patten
Edgar Allan Poe
Mary Lou Retton
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
William Tecumseh Sherman
Anna Nicole Smith
John Philip Sousa
Robert Louis Stevenson
Henry David Thoreau
Billy Bob Thornton
Frank Lloyd Wright

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Chicago Trip

Brian, Erin, Me in Chicago
I forgot to mention when the site came back up that pictures of the trip my fiancé and I took to Chicago to see Brian are now in the gallery. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Lost Boys

So Long, Testes
This Philadelphia man deserves a medal. On Wednesday night he was asleep when his bi-polar wife of 11 years tore off his testicles with her bare hands. Fortunately the reattachment sugery was successful. While she originally faced attempted murder charges, she is now undergoing psychiatric evaluation. It hurts just to think about it.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Back Again

Yes, the SPDN is back after a two week hiatus. What the hell was going on, you ask? The website joined the Peace Corps but was forced to cut its tour of duty short due to illness. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Best Buy Prank

Best Buy Pranksters
The folks at Improv Everywhere staged this genius prank where they recruited 80 people to dress in royal blue polos and khakis and infultrate a Best Buy store all at once. They documented their caper quite well and the result was about what you would expect: the lower level employees loved it and the managers freaked out.