Monday, January 30, 2006

Learn Yourself

How to Clean Anything
Tips for how to clean, well, anything.

Caffeine Content in Soft Drinks
The American Beverage Association ranks the amount of pep in your pop.

13 Things That Do Not Make Sense
Scientific anomalies like the placebo effect.

11 Myths of Surge Protection
Don't be left in the dark.

Top 50 Inventions of the Last 50 Years
Popular Mechanics ranks the best inventions. A panel of experts throws down a list ranging from the remote control to the MP3 player.

Top 10 Wackiest Conspiracy Theories
I think this speaks for itself.

Corporate Identity Catalog
Anything you ever wanted to know about almost any corporate logo.

Why Our Dreams Are Forgotten After We Wake Up
From The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud.

A Savant That Can Explain His Abilities
Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant who can describe what he does.

Whatever Happened to Channel 1?
Why our television sets start at 2.

How to Get Great Sleep
If you are among the 60 percent of adults who have trouble sleeping, this is for you.

Custom Corn Maze Photos
Pictures of huges mazes cut out of cornfields all over the United States. Nothing to learn here, I just thought it was cool.

Scariest Page Ever

I have officially found the the scariest site on the internet. This guy is in his 50's and thinks he's Peter Pan. I guess he's been on Conan and Jimmy Kimmel, but I must have missed it. It doesn't matter. His website is hilarious on its own.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Woah Hasselhoff

David Hasselhoff
This video of David Hasselhoff is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. Sorry if you're at work, but you have to hear this.

RIP Nice Guy Eddie

Actor Chris Penn was found dead yesterday afternoon. Most people will remember him for his role in Reservoir Dogs as Nice Guy Eddie, but to me he will always be Travis from Best of the Best.

"Drop him like a toilet seat, Tommy!"

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Cry About It

Crying Broncos Fan
This 17 year-old Pennsylvania high school student was "humiliated" during an exam last week for wearing a Broncos jersey. They made him sit on the floor and threw paper wads at him. I don't believe there was any spit involved.

I'm not a Steelers fan, but if I were, I would've contributed to said paper onslaught. I'm not necessarily saying it was the right thing to do, but it would've been fun. My favorite part of the whole story is the picture. Also noteworthy is the fact that the school district is named Big Beaver Falls.

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Slanket

The Slanket
My favorite new product is the Slanket. The concept is simple. It's a blanket with sleeves. But it falls into the "why didn't I think of that" category. Along with the cool idea and name, they have some great company slogans including "We'll put your grandma out of business."

West Wing Canceled

Cast of The West Wing
Though it could be said that The West Wing died a long time ago, it will finally be canceled after this season. It's been horrible since Aaron Sorkin left, but before then it was one of my favorite shows. I'm sad it's going to be canceled, but I've been sad about how bad every new episode has been.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Ansel Farasey

Photo by Brian Farasey
Photo credit: Brian Farasey

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Half lion, half gerbil.
by Joe Patten

Brokeback Lerbil
Lerbil regresses and explains that he can't quit other Lerbil.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Watch Your Head

In keeping with today's theme of cool pictures, check out these shots of the lowest landing airport in the world, St. Marteen.

Timing is Everything

High Speed Photo
Check out this gallery of cool images taken with a high speed camera.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Conan Halonen

There is a woman running for President of Finland who looks quite a bit like Conan O'Brien. While this might not help her score with the dudes, it might actually help her win the election. Conan has been doing bits about it on his show, and though I never would have guessed it, his show airs in Finland. Here is another picture where I think she looks quite a bit like him.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Caution: Nerd Alert

Alexa is a site that tracks website traffic. The alexadex is a new site "where players compete for fame and glory by buying and selling shares in sites on the world wide web."

I just signed up and it seems pretty cool. It kinda reminds me of the Hollywood Stock Exchange.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Half lion, half gerbil.
by Joe Patten

Lerbil regretfully informs boss that impending audit work must wait until sickness subsides.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Newspaper Prank

Sometimes when it's the week between Christmas and New Year's you get bored at work. Our CEO and I chose to pull this prank on our senior VP of operations while she was on vacation. It's not complicated, we just covered her entire office and everything in it with newspaper. Click on the picture above to enlarge. More pictures are available here.